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Recently I had the good fortune to work with an amazing person who always has a gorgeous smile for you! Her style is a nice mix of bohemian with eclectic touches and I’m always admiring how she puts her look together. 

Opening Night For A Major Exhibit

For this opening event, where she would give several tours, she wanted an approachable but professional look. Even though pulling a look together is no problem for her it was the little, extras for sparkle and to project a sense of authority. 

We started with pieces from her wardrobe, I really love the colors together and l love her sense of adventure with it! To keep the focus on her face, I pulled her blouse down, tucked it into her waistband, and then had her lift her arms streamlining her upper body, creating a longer torso. Next, I tweaked her collar creating a stronger line of focus on her face.

There are other ways to achieve the same goal, it depends on you and the pieces you want to work with.

Talk to me if you would like to know more! 


Bye for now!

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2024 – Your Recharge Ideas Are Motivating!


Recently I asked for your input on what is changing for you in 2024 and I was amazed with all your ideas, goals, and creativity. Thank you!! There was so much I couldn’t just do a random select because it meant I wouldn’t share every comment that I found energizing. Seriously, reading them provided ideas and inspiration on ways to further shape what I want to focus on. To get it all on paper I looked at the patterns and saw some main themes emerging so I’m sharing them in that way. 

In no particular order, they are….

Get Into The Great Outdoors…Spending time in nature, watching sunrises and sunsets, walking outside, to name some, do lift you up and give you a different frame of mind. I’ve been pulling weeds and putting down new mulch and even though that’s tedious I do get more relaxed being outside. I would think if you’re in the city planting flowers in a pot to put on a deck would give you the same perspective.

Getting Motivated – So true! Get there in bits and pieces, usually 5-15 minutes will start moving your goal into shape. Look for an upcoming post on this.

Love, Kindness, & Happiness – So true! Start with yourself, maybe the 5-15 minutes of something important to you, something that makes you happy, daily or a few times a week makes a big difference! You deserve it. Love that this came up as a theme.

Travel – Do get out and explore, it’s amazing the people you meet and things you see. I’m starting to do this where I live, exploring my city like someone traveling here to visit, kind of exciting!

Work Through Tough Times – I totally get this one and being in the middle of it feels like you’re walled in. From talking to people, reading, and going through tough times, seems like it’s part of being a person, if you get an idea to read something, talk to someone, write a dialogue about it, etc. do it-those nudges are motions that help you to feel unstuck. I have a journaling link below to use or to spur ideas. Let me know what you come up with.

Eat More Sourdough Bread – Sign me up!! 

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Halloween – New Movies & What To Wear

We’ve kicked off October along with the Halloween Season at MRE and we don’t want it to end. We can’t get enough of windy days with leaves blowing around, the crispness demanding your favorite jean jacket, and the treats because who has time for tricks when there are so many amazing movies to watch?

That said below is this years list of our movies and, since I’m really into all things Stevie Nicks lately, I’m taking cues from her early days for dressing up. Who knows, maybe consider a trial run of your outfit watching all things Halloween? See my ideas below for pieces to pull from if you want and of course your jean jacket goes with it all!

Sleepy Hollow

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Wendell and Wild

Fright Night



Night Of The Living Dead – the 1968 Version so it’s my Throwback Thursday vote

Haunted Mansion – Hilarious

The Lost Boys – A perennial and fantastic


Practical Magic – A must!

For Dia De Los Muertos – I’m watching Coco!

Below are some ideas to pull together any way you want. For the top hat though I’m seeing some black silk flowers and maybe a sugar skull pin somewhere.


Bye for now!

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