A fact about myself, I love vintage and I love sewing! Particularly, vintage sewing patterns and the large, counter pattern books. My collection keeps expanding since it’s impossible for me to say no when folks ask if I want their collection. Seriously, if you want them to get a good home for life, you won’t do better than me, and you may feel free to contact me if you need to find a good home for yours!
There wasn’t a specific time when I became aware of my interest in sewing. The women in my family sewed, knitted, crocheted, and embroidered so it was always around me. Looking at the pattern envelopes, with their amazing illustrations, was riveting and I became hooked. While my creativity leaned toward fabric and fiber manipulation it’s interesting to learn when, where, and how other people became cognizant of their creative leanings. For example, the brilliant creative and technical genius of my marketing team is fascinating, especially since I don’t lean that way. On the other hand, they were riveted when I repaired a hoodie pocket for one of them sewing the entire time we were talking.
Starting with a mental image, the process begins with either pulling a fabric, like this amazing knit from Elliott Berman Textiles, https://elliottbermantextiles.com/ (I don’t get anything from them, just want you to have their link in case you want the fabric too.) or a pattern, which can be purchased or self-drafted. Then the project flow is outlined as to materials, process of assembling, and the fine bits, like buttons or trim.
Working with my styling clients, the process is similar. After chatting, so I can really get to know their goals, likes, concerns to name a few, I get a mental image as to direction. Once we proceed the project flow follows a similar path. Most likely this is my natural project management process, which became honed as a kid learning to sew, and which naturally flowed as my style in business.
Everything we do is creative, even getting up which creates the start of your day, but it’s important and enjoyable to plan for a specific time to work on something creative. Yes, life has twists and it probably feels like there isn’t the time. I’m also going through that at the moment and haven’t sewn for awhile. In fact, I find myself daydreaming about it during the day which is my signal to slow down and relax. I’m also figuring what time block works to schedule in regular sewing time. I know I’ll feel happier and I’ll also end up more productive with my batteries recharged.
What process works for you to purposely create?
Bye for now!
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