Mondays, they don’t get me down but I’m not filled with a sense of energy to dive in either, which doesn’t make sense. They are like any other day – you make them what you want, but what to do if you have no recollection of being a huge fan? Read on for my Monday edits, created last week!
This year what I’m feeling is to carry on with last years goals but take it as a new chapter. Let’s take my business, I had some ideas of what I wanted last year and some intentions I completed, others were dropped when it became clear they weren’t what I wanted, and new intentions came up in their place. I’m excited about writing my script in that way!
Do you remember last weeks mention of affirmation as part of my vision notebook? When I felt particularly stuck a few years ago one affirmation was written what felt like hundreds of times and I’d repeat it during the day as I was driving, etc., and yes things changed for me along with baby steps towards what I wanted. I still intend to do that if there’s something that feels stubborn and unchanging in my life but it occurred to me I can do a twist on the usual way of doing affirmations.
Last week, I took an affirmation that is relevant to a major goal for me. On Sunday I decided on an affirmation to start and put it in my calendar each morning with an alert so it’s on my phone screen for a few minutes and sets my tone for the day. Today I selected one as the next baby step and I’ll do the same. There are no rules here so if I want to keep an affirmation for several weeks I will. Additionally I say them throughout the day and, though this didn’t feel relevant the past week, they can be written as well.
Monday doesn’t feel as dull with something to look forward to-a new start and a shift! Here are a few affirmations that may be helpful if you want to try this. Create your own or go online-there are oodles of them!
I am capable of starting and completing tasks, I am a great friend and attract great friends in return, I am confident in my ability to lead and grow my start up.
So easy and Monday’s won’t be the same!
Appreciate You All!
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For those that know me they will most likely say things like, she’s creative, she’s always got these great ideas, and most likely they won’t say she’s got this really great organizing system, or something like that! It’s true, I love the creative downloads and then harnessing them via a super structured way, not as much. Don’t they have people for that? That said, it’s me that needs to harness them and figuring that out is as creative as the dreams and ideas I get. Here are my thoughts on a possible way to be creative with the fun stuff and harness the ideas to bring them to life.
I’m not sure if this is where vision boards got started, most likely not, but, after watching “The Secret” video with a friend, that’s where I saw first saw them. It seemed a great way to take a creative thought and bring it to something tangible. Now it’s fun to go into coffee shops in January and see a group of people drinking coffee and making vision boards together!
What I didn’t like about them was the poster board size didn’t make them exactly portable! For me, I wanted something I could easily take out and jot down some more thoughts, add another image, or just thumb through and look at an image that made me happy. It occurred to me a notebook would be perfect to accomplish all that, part vision board, part journal, and part commonplace book.
The notebook in the image was my first go at it and I’ve not looked back! I’m still using it noting the year on the top of the page and I’ll add things throughout the year. A vision board is a collage of images, pictures, and affirmations of what you desire and it’s meant to keep you inspired and thereby motivated to keep moving toward your desired outcome. You may have heard or read about celebrities using these, Steve Harvey, Katy Perry, and Beyonce are a few.
For me, anything goes. A few of my supplies are in the image but I’ve also used stickers, colored pens and pencils, paint, ribbons, even parts of cards I was given-anything I felt captured what would resonate with my idea. You don’t have to spend hours on this, unless you want, for me I like to input things when I’m feeling it strongly because I capture the essence much better.
Pictures and words are the way most people go and it makes sense. Thanks to the notebook’s flexibility I’ve even written down things, some folks call them affirmations, that I thought would propel me further/faster. For example, one year everything felt really stuck so I wrote what felt like thousands of times “Unexpected opportunities appear in my life out of nowhere”. Writing it made me feel as if I had the power to shift things and that made me more optimistic. With the optimism I kept taking the baby steps, doing the work as they say, but also it had me becoming more aware of events in my life, recognizing even the small events that I could use to move forward. That was exciting and also gave me a glimpse into how powerful keeping a focus can be.
There are so many detailed videos on YouTube I won’t go into a lot of details here unless you want me to share in more depth what and how I make these. Let me know!
Appreciate You All!
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I just learned about this national observance thanks to my latest phone update! It’s now noted on my calendar. That said, after learning more online, I wanted to share something I learned about a movement that’s happening now. Please know this information is online via a New York Times article posted on 8/22/2022, authored by Kevin Noble Maillard. The beautiful person in the photo is Angela Ferguson on the Onondaga Nation Farm in central New York.
The photo was taken by Tahlia Mintz of the New York Times (love how the breeze catches the hem of her shirt). There are so many interesting articles about people around this country, and the world, that it really is worth the monthly subscription.
Having spent many years growing up in Europe I learned so much about people from different cultures, and we have that here too! Find an ethnic area around you and enjoy the shops and restaurants. We also have an amazing resource via our Native American neighbors. This article focuses on one aspect, the community gardens and home gardening. Angela is the supervisor of the Onondaga Nation Farm and her crew grow, among other things, corn, beans and squash which are known as the “three sisters” of their agriculture. A free weekly farmers’ market on the Nation is something to enjoy and if you want to learn more, classes are offered to teach the traditional ways of cultivation and cooking. I’m here to tell you I could use those; growing veggies and herbs in my back yard has yielded less than desirable results!
There is also an understanding of what’s going on with the land and how to edit what you do to work in cooperation, a lot like taking care of yourself if you think you’re coming down with a cold. This reminds me so much of what I see around me in the form of community gardens where the neighborhood can go and harvest the crops as they need them, like the peppers and tomatoes. It also reminds me of the growing farm to table I’m seeing in the form of community supported agriculture programs and restaurants that offer seasonal menus based on what they can get locally.
Please do try to get this article and also look for information on your own. If you do a deeper dive, please take a minute to share with me-I love to learn. That said, I learned something writing this article-check out a community garden the start of the growing season to learn some successful growing tips!
Appreciate You All!
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Last week I spent a few hours looking at the artifacts that the Rich Foundation has generously allowed us to use. It was a walk back in time and with a focus to the beautiful items available to purchase. I don’t have room to post an image of everything so I captured a few pictures of newspaper ads, one more mid-century and one from the early 70’s. Perimeter Mall is still around and still has vendors offering more upscale and luxury goods. Lots of good restaurants are there too-bonus!
I’m so very excited to do a “store front window” display at the museum! I’ve sketched out my idea and will present it to the manager this upcoming week. After that I’ll share with you!
Appreciate You All!
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I’m very excited to be in planning for an amazing exhibit at a museum near me, the Hapeville Depot Museum. More on the exhibit in a minute but first let me share a bit about this very interesting place. In addition to being a repository of local history, and also artifacts, of the railroad and Delta Airlines, they also dig deep into local history to include the Ford plant, counted as one of the most consistently productive, and also art that plays out history.
There was an amazing store in downtown Atlanta called Rich’s, founded in 1867 by Morris Rich. Rich’s was where you could get lost in a store full of beautiful displays, eat lunch, purchase luscious fabrics and sewing patterns, and bring your children to ride the pink pig during the holidays. It really was a local mainstay.
We’re getting artifacts from the downtown Rich’s store next week and I’ll share more in a few weeks. The first planning session included a meeting with the director, digging through magazines from the 50’s and 60’s, and an initial space planning for the exhibit. I love doing this, there are so many of my favorite activities wrapped up into one.
For now, I’ve got a link for you to dig into with a lot of details on the Rich’s Department Store. I’m leaving you with the iconic Rich’s holiday tree in this post and my intro image of the Rich’s clock. If you saw the clock image you knew it was about Rich’s-maybe the first branding ever?
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Have you ever said to yourself, “I can’t wear that, because…”, or “I could wear that but… “. Or have you worn “that” anyway but you felt awkward the entire time? Yep, me too! Maybe it was the styling? I still sometimes do “off” days where in my head something works and then I catch myself in a mirror. Let’s face it, that’s not vanity it’s you giving yourself permission to feel your best because you’re projecting with a look that resonates.
But what if you think you can’t wear something for whatever reason when actually you really could? Something you wanted a lot? Well, let’s take a look at these jeans. I’ve styled several clients in these with totally different body shapes and they all looked really amazing!
1. If the jeans come cut for straight and curvy bodies select which best works for you. If they don’t look at the images online or the jeans in a brick & mortar. Are they designed to be slightly rounder in places, or do they have a lot of stretch? You will have some play here. Select one that most matches your body,
2. If they don’t then try on sizes you don’t usually wear and see if doing that makes it work for you. If you need to go a size larger and have them altered, it’s easier that way. Remember alterations aren’t a couture fit, aka you can’t alter something a size up or down, it won’t look right. They are great for nips, tucks, and adding in some ease all in areas that will make those jeans better mimic your body. Or check that they have enough stretch to skim the curves without suffocating you.
3. Styling- For jeans like these that have a lot of embellishments and are highly textured I’d push back a little in other places. You know, balance it out. I’m not saying you can’t wear a tight T just to balance it. Think textured crop tops, tight T with a jacket that has padding, lots of stitching, or add some vintage pins that are oversized.
4. Shirts – There’s lots of texture and volume for Fall 24 so get a silky blouse with some pleating or puff sleeves. There are lots of bows out here so maybe a choker with one-kind of like a bow tie but not. With Fall 24 in mind…
5. Shoes – I see a lot of super skinny jeans with stiletto heels and unless you want to look like you’re teetering on pick-up-sticks add some push back here too. Yes, you can wear super high heels but take a look at these, see how the heel has a thicker shape? Push back. If you’re going more casual wear your favorite combat boot but keep them up to the ankle. Heading out with the girls? Try a suede shoe with a square heel for a fun, sexy look.
I’m so, so excited!! I’ve been designing and building an online store for my website and I’m happy to almost be there. You’ll see clothing supporting USA made, shoes, accessories, and lifestyle! Pillows, candles, and whatever else I see that’s cool!
Recently I had the good fortune to work with an amazing person who always has a gorgeous smile for you! Her style is a nice mix of bohemian with eclectic touches and I’m always admiring how she puts her look together.
For this opening event, where she would give several tours, she wanted an approachable but professional look. Even though pulling a look together is no problem for her it was the little, extras for sparkle and to project a sense of authority.
We started with pieces from her wardrobe, I really love the colors together and l love her sense of adventure with it! To keep the focus on her face, I pulled her blouse down, tucked it into her waistband, and then had her lift her arms streamlining her upper body, creating a longer torso. Next, I tweaked her collar creating a stronger line of focus on her face.
There are other ways to achieve the same goal, it depends on you and the pieces you want to work with.
Talk to me if you would like to know more!
Bye for now!
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Recently I asked for your input on what is changing for you in 2024 and I was amazed with all your ideas, goals, and creativity. Thank you!! There was so much I couldn’t just do a random select because it meant I wouldn’t share every comment that I found energizing. Seriously, reading them provided ideas and inspiration on ways to further shape what I want to focus on. To get it all on paper I looked at the patterns and saw some main themes emerging so I’m sharing them in that way.
Get Into The Great Outdoors…Spending time in nature, watching sunrises and sunsets, walking outside, to name some, do lift you up and give you a different frame of mind. I’ve been pulling weeds and putting down new mulch and even though that’s tedious I do get more relaxed being outside. I would think if you’re in the city planting flowers in a pot to put on a deck would give you the same perspective.
Getting Motivated – So true! Get there in bits and pieces, usually 5-15 minutes will start moving your goal into shape. Look for an upcoming post on this.
Love, Kindness, & Happiness – So true! Start with yourself, maybe the 5-15 minutes of something important to you, something that makes you happy, daily or a few times a week makes a big difference! You deserve it. Love that this came up as a theme.
Travel – Do get out and explore, it’s amazing the people you meet and things you see. I’m starting to do this where I live, exploring my city like someone traveling here to visit, kind of exciting!
Work Through Tough Times – I totally get this one and being in the middle of it feels like you’re walled in. From talking to people, reading, and going through tough times, seems like it’s part of being a person, if you get an idea to read something, talk to someone, write a dialogue about it, etc. do it-those nudges are motions that help you to feel unstuck. I have a journaling link below to use or to spur ideas. Let me know what you come up with.
Eat More Sourdough Bread – Sign me up!!
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I love this time of year, January! Yes, I know you start getting end of year notices from your bank prepping you for tax season, big eye roll, and it gets really cold. But, there is so much more than that with January!
For me, every year it feels like I’ve got every possible avenue open to me-the adventure is refreshing! I also get this feeling to a lesser degree in April, with the spring weather, and October with the falling leaves and chilly evenings. More on those in a minute. Think about the New Year, the previous is now only a memory so if there were less than desirable things going on it’s in the past.
With that said, what are you going to do with any remnants you no longer want to deal with and what new cards do you want to deal into your life? It’s all a choice, and with baby steps, you can make edits and shape things to better suit either the direction you want to take or how you want to face something. Nobody can take that choice from you, it’s totally yours and that to me is exciting!
So usually each January has me changing the art in my home, lucky me my Dad and brother are both painters so there’s never enough wall space for everything, and refreshing my organization, and making plans. Also each year I tend to also take a deeper look at where I am in life, things like my spiritual take on things, or how I can edit my approach and be a better listener, stuff like that. And I look into the next baby steps to bring about the things I’d like to experience and see.
About a week ago I asked for your input on how you plan on recharging for 2024 and the responses have been amazing, really I’m inspired and grateful to read your goals. I want to give it the rest of this week and then I’ll randomly pull ten to post, but it may be more because I’m overwhelmed with how great they are. If you are on the fence, I won’t post any names but I’d love to share because they have inspired me and I’d like to share the same with you.
I’m posting the two things I’m excited to work on as a recharge in 2024 and that’s looking deeper into gratitude for even the things that aren’t desirable and also partnerships and what I’m bringing to the table to be part of a team whether it’s personal or business. In April and October I’ll look to revisit what I’m working on to see what feels relevant.
Bye for now!
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We’ve kicked off October along with the Halloween Season at MRE and we don’t want it to end. We can’t get enough of windy days with leaves blowing around, the crispness demanding your favorite jean jacket, and the treats because who has time for tricks when there are so many amazing movies to watch?
That said below is this years list of our movies and, since I’m really into all things Stevie Nicks lately, I’m taking cues from her early days for dressing up. Who knows, maybe consider a trial run of your outfit watching all things Halloween? See my ideas below for pieces to pull from if you want and of course your jean jacket goes with it all!
Below are some ideas to pull together any way you want. For the top hat though I’m seeing some black silk flowers and maybe a sugar skull pin somewhere.
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So, I’ve always had a fascination with the color hot pink, along with chartreuse and teal, which is somewhat mid-century for both clothing and interior design. Though I don’t count orange as a regular fave, I like adding it into the mix sometimes especially in warmer weather.
Back to Hot Pink, I love it so much my selection of last years holiday cards was made because the envelopes were that color, and besides, who wouldn’t want that much cheerfulness in their mailbox during winter season? I seriously considered sending one to myself!
Looking at how it’s getting combined with other colors online I see a lot of it getting punched up with white, which is nice during the warm weather seasons, I also see it getting used with black pumps, jackets, etc. Both options work and also keep the color front and center. But what if you used it as a color to be mixed with other very cool and on trend colors? It’s still a standout but it gets pushed in a different way. My two colors for now, because I’m still having fun playing with it, are copper and a paler green in the pistachio range; let me say this exercise was fun!
My focus was on pieces purchased together for a head-to-toe look when you want to go that direction. You know by now, if you’ve been following my Style Of The Week I drop every Thursday, that I love, love, love to pull pieces apart and play with how they can be aligned in new ways. That said, below are some ideas I came up with.
Throw in your moto jacket or denim one because that will work too. In fact, I’m slightly obsessed with the idea of the sandals and the moto jacket for late night after parties with your bikini top, especially if it’s metallic copper or orange.
Have fun and bye for now!
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What an amazing color! I see it as an on trend expression of the vibrancy I’m seeing in us again, the vivid pink red mixed with the periwinkle from last year’s Pantone color. Interestingly, the Very Peri has a bit of this year’s Magenta so there is a progression of where we are from last year. I’ve posted this bit below so you can see a comparison of the two.
I see the choice of Magenta as a perfect call, it reflects an increased sense of optimism with a nod to how much, the periwinkle, we’ve accomplished last year to move forward.
Next week, see how I mix it up with this bright and fun color!
Bye for now!!
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So, I’ve started this year obsessed with organizing, weeding out, and sorting my house. And I mean my house! I’ve got a list by room of things I will do this year to refresh and/or edit things. I’ve been going through drawers, and even looking at expiration dates on everything, including my cosmetics! Crazy? Maybe, but I’ve only dented the surface and it already feels so much better. Plus, it feels like I’m a little more organized in my head which I didn’t expect.
This feeling came on me towards the end of December, and, serendipitously, while reading through the Apartment Therapy blog, I saw their January Cure they offer annually. Each weekday, gratis, for 20 days they send an email with the coolest ideas that are super easy, and quick to do. Check it out via the link below. If you do decide to go for it, and who cares if January is mostly finished, reach out either via the comments, or on my SM, and tell me what you think.
The work I was doing organizing and restyling my house brought an awareness that I was dissatisfied with my style too. Truthfully, I’d been feeling creatively stale for awhile and it felt as if I was putting a stale version of myself out to the world. Focusing intensely, managing my construction project last year, felt consuming to the point I wasn’t aware of changing incredibly inside. I’d been changing a lot in a positive way as a person but was too busy to realize it. You’re constantly changing, even if you aren’t aware of it at the time. Change was happening to me but it was background noise due to focusing so intently for so long. My client’s comment frequently that because I do styling, having a concern or feeling off must not happen to me. I’m here to tell you, even after years of styling for film and advertising – it happens to everyone!
Organizing, sorting, and weeding through my home caused me to realize the issue wasn’t “stale” creativity, it was no longer resonating with who I was before embarking on my project.
It’s time to put an editing eye on my closet! Everything was going into the project so I hadn’t purchased anything new for awhile. But, more than that, I wasn’t putting a fresh eye to what I had. Yes, some things will no longer “feel” right and those will go to someone who will feel amazing in them. It’s time to put a fresh take on what will work, what “fits” who I am inside now, and what I still feel amazing in. Then, I’ll add new items to my closet.
So, having figured that out, I got to thinking there are probably lots of you reading this that feel the same. So, I decided to offer a promo to kick off 2022. How exciting, am I right?
Here it is, just share a question, or concern, with me, and I’ll work with you to resolve it. Just IM me or send an email. It’s that simple!
Looking forward to sharing in your New Year/Updated You adventure!
Bye for now!
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Bye for now!
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I’ve already mentioned in the Miss Navajo Nation blog post that I love the Firefox browser for a few reasons, one is they have great articles on their search page. Seriously, there are articles on everything including design and lifestyle, a big plus. Recently I read an article from the BBC about Fredagsmys, which is Friday coziness in Sweden. Reading through the article was enchanting and I’m on board in a big way!
Fredagsmys (pronounced fre-dags myys) means Friday coziness in Sweden, a longstanding tradition that started in the 90’s. Essentially, it consists of hunkering down and relaxing with folks you care for, most often watching TV together. Even more interesting and fun, having tacos are a core part of Fredagsmys, followed by munching on chips and sweet things on your sofa. Instead of going out with friends, or going to a movie, or working late, it’s about getting snuggled in, hanging out with people you love, and eating yummy food to kick off your weekend. It’s a cozy way to end a busy week, and it’s catching on outside of Sweden too! Let’s chat on how to add this evening to your routine!
The traditional meal is a taco spread, so what’s not to love, but you can also do pizza, a big sandwich spread, pretty much anything that does not require a fork and knife. The main point of the meal is for it to be be easy and fun to prep, and easy to eat so you can kick back and relax. After the meal, put out all your favorite salty and sweet snacks so you can grab a handful as you watch TV. In case you’ve noticed this evening is not about following your eating plan, this is your cheat day.
Obviously, this will not be a dress up affair, so my first thought was thick, snuggly socks, a tee, and sweat pants for their elastic waist! But, then again, what if you wanted to up the ante a bit and add pizazz as you maintain comfort? I got to thinking and came up with an idea of a sweater dress like a longer tunic length, tights, socks, and some cute short boots. Still comfortable, you can kick the boots off when you get to the sofa, but it’s a comfort look taken up a notch.
Etsy – Bloom Angels Leopard Print Tights
Etsy – Lace Trimmed Slouch Socks
Dress/Tunic & Hat:
Stylist’s Own
Now that the days keep getting shorter, at least where I live, to me this sounds like an amazing habit to get into at least a few times a month. Post pictures of your first Fredagsmys and share!
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