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Motivated Monday – Affirmations With A Twist

It’s Monday And Am I Motivated?

Mondays, they don’t get me down but I’m not filled with a sense of energy to dive in either, which doesn’t make sense. They are like any other day – you make them what you want, but what to do if you have no recollection of being a huge fan? Read on for my Monday edits, created last week!

Usually No – But I Want To Rethink What I Do

This year what I’m feeling is to carry on with last years goals but take it as a new chapter. Let’s take my business, I had some ideas of what I wanted last year and some intentions I completed, others were dropped when it became clear they weren’t what I wanted, and new intentions came up in their place. I’m excited about writing my script in that way!

I’m Excited & That’s Shifting My Monday Motivation

Do you remember last weeks mention of affirmation as part of my vision notebook? When I felt particularly stuck a few years ago one affirmation was written what felt like hundreds of times and I’d repeat it during the day as I was driving, etc., and yes things changed for me along with baby steps towards what I wanted. I still intend to do that if there’s something that feels stubborn and unchanging in my life but it occurred to me I can do a twist on the usual way of doing affirmations.

Last week, I took an affirmation that is relevant to a major goal for me. On Sunday I decided on an affirmation to start and put it in my calendar each morning with an alert so it’s on my phone screen for a few minutes and sets my tone for the day. Today I selected one as the next baby step and I’ll do the same. There are no rules here so if I want to keep an affirmation for several weeks I will. Additionally I say them throughout the day and, though this didn’t feel relevant the past week, they can be written as well. 

Monday doesn’t feel as dull with something to look forward to-a new start and a shift! Here are a few affirmations that may be helpful if you want to try this. Create your own or go online-there are oodles of them!

In Order Below – Procrastination, Improved Friendships, Starting A Business

I am capable of starting and completing tasks, I am a great friend and attract great friends in return, I am confident in my ability to lead and grow my start up.

So easy and Monday’s won’t be the same!

Appreciate You All!

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