For those that know me they will most likely say things like, she’s creative, she’s always got these great ideas, and most likely they won’t say she’s got this really great organizing system, or something like that! It’s true, I love the creative downloads and then harnessing them via a super structured way, not as much. Don’t they have people for that? That said, it’s me that needs to harness them and figuring that out is as creative as the dreams and ideas I get. Here are my thoughts on a possible way to be creative with the fun stuff and harness the ideas to bring them to life.
I’m not sure if this is where vision boards got started, most likely not, but, after watching “The Secret” video with a friend, that’s where I saw first saw them. It seemed a great way to take a creative thought and bring it to something tangible. Now it’s fun to go into coffee shops in January and see a group of people drinking coffee and making vision boards together!
What I didn’t like about them was the poster board size didn’t make them exactly portable! For me, I wanted something I could easily take out and jot down some more thoughts, add another image, or just thumb through and look at an image that made me happy. It occurred to me a notebook would be perfect to accomplish all that, part vision board, part journal, and part commonplace book.
The notebook in the image was my first go at it and I’ve not looked back! I’m still using it noting the year on the top of the page and I’ll add things throughout the year. A vision board is a collage of images, pictures, and affirmations of what you desire and it’s meant to keep you inspired and thereby motivated to keep moving toward your desired outcome. You may have heard or read about celebrities using these, Steve Harvey, Katy Perry, and Beyonce are a few.
For me, anything goes. A few of my supplies are in the image but I’ve also used stickers, colored pens and pencils, paint, ribbons, even parts of cards I was given-anything I felt captured what would resonate with my idea. You don’t have to spend hours on this, unless you want, for me I like to input things when I’m feeling it strongly because I capture the essence much better.
Pictures and words are the way most people go and it makes sense. Thanks to the notebook’s flexibility I’ve even written down things, some folks call them affirmations, that I thought would propel me further/faster. For example, one year everything felt really stuck so I wrote what felt like thousands of times “Unexpected opportunities appear in my life out of nowhere”. Writing it made me feel as if I had the power to shift things and that made me more optimistic. With the optimism I kept taking the baby steps, doing the work as they say, but also it had me becoming more aware of events in my life, recognizing even the small events that I could use to move forward. That was exciting and also gave me a glimpse into how powerful keeping a focus can be.
There are so many detailed videos on YouTube I won’t go into a lot of details here unless you want me to share in more depth what and how I make these. Let me know!
Appreciate You All!
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