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I’ve Been Busy

I’m very excited to be in planning for an amazing exhibit at a museum near me, the Hapeville Depot Museum. More on the exhibit in a minute but first let me share a bit about this very interesting place. In addition to being a repository of local history, and also artifacts, of the railroad and Delta Airlines, they also dig deep into local history to include the Ford plant, counted as one of the most consistently productive, and also art that plays out history. 

What Was Rich’s?

There was an amazing store in downtown Atlanta called Rich’s, founded in 1867 by Morris Rich. Rich’s was where you could get lost in a store full of beautiful displays, eat lunch, purchase luscious fabrics and sewing patterns, and bring your children to ride the pink pig during the holidays. It really was a local mainstay. 

We’re getting artifacts from the downtown Rich’s store next week and I’ll share more in a few weeks. The first planning session included a meeting with the director, digging through magazines from the 50’s and 60’s, and an initial space planning for the exhibit. I love doing this, there are so many of my favorite activities wrapped up into one. 

Here’s More If You’re Interested

For now, I’ve got a link for you to dig into with a lot of details on the Rich’s Department Store.  I’m leaving you with the iconic Rich’s holiday tree in this post and my intro image of the Rich’s clock. If you saw the clock image you knew it was about Rich’s-maybe the first branding ever? 


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